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In recent times, the mental health and well-being of youth activists have come under scrutiny due to the multiple crises they face, including the COVID-19 pandemic, racial injustices, climate change, and other social challenges. While activism can offer empowerment and hope, it also exposes activists to mental and physical risks. The current landscape of activism places youth in precarious situations, balancing their passion for change with the toll it takes on their mental health. The world of social justice activism is overwhelming, and the lack of safety adds to the burden. The dialogue around protecting activists’ mental health is gaining momentum, as they face challenges such as burnout, guilt, and neglecting self-care due to time-consuming activism. Burnout, vicarious trauma, and the pressure to do more can take a toll on the mental health of social activists. Also known as spillover effects, people are most often indirectly or vicariously exposed to social injustices via victimized relatives or friends, through discussions about these events with social contacts, by watching television, listening to the radio, reading the newspaper, or more recently, using social media. These episodes cover topics on civic engagement – debating issues on youth political participation, civic education, an agency of the arts and culture, creative approaches to innovation, and what it means to live in a fast-changing country (Uganda). The #Civic Art Talks series is curated in collaboration with key stakeholders (in the confluence of the creative arts and civic space).